The Maltese Council of Secular Institutes is composed of 5 Secular Institutes: The Company of St Ursula Secular Institute of St Angela Merici; the Piccola Famigia Francescana Institute; the Spigolatrici della Chiesa; the Unione Carmelitana Francescana and the Volonteers of Don Bosco.
The first meeting of the Council was 30 years ago on the 5th December 1988 under the delegate of the Archbishop for Institutes of consecrated life Fr Eilia Vella OFM Conv. and Mons. Joseph Mifsud Bonnici as the delegate of the diocesan priests.
As a Council we have 6 meetings every year with a break for the Summer vacation. This was the work of the Council during these 30 years of its existence.
- A statute was drafted and approved by a decree by the Archbishop Mons. Joseph Mercieca on the 14 the February 1996.
- Visits in each other’s meeting places to get to know each other and learn the history and charism of each Institute but above all to keep the unity among us.
- Eucharistic celebrations and adorations were and still are organised in the parishes of the members where a representative of each Institute gave a short presentation before the beginning of the Mass of her Institute and her personal call.
- Every year 2 Seminars are organised for all the members with a specific theme.
- A special Seminar of 4 days was organised in 1996 with the theme Secular Institutes in Malta. The main speaker was Profs Emilio Tresalti, Director of the Gemelli Hospital in Rome and a member of the Italian Christ the King Institute. Present for the Seminar were the Nunctio Appostolico Mons Luigi Celata and the Archbishop of Malta Mons. Joseph Mercieca.
- During these years several articles have been written in various Catholic newspapers and magazines to make known the Secular Institutes.
- A mobile exhibition had been organised for a whole week in 2 parishes that of Sliema Sacro Cuor and that of the Holy Trinity Church in Marsa.
- Together as members of various Secular Institutes we have participated in a mission in a new parish that of l-Ibragg visiting families, encouraging them to live their Christian life and to consecrate the family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We made a special emphasis on building their unity , them coming from various parishesof the island and settling in their new parish.
- We have worked together in a scheme of 13 programs on the Radio Sciberras about the history and charism of each Institute and anotherscheme of programs on Our Blessed ,Mother in the Marian Year.
- Three programs in the form of an interview on Secular Institutes were also presented on Radio Maria.
- Vocational promotions with youth were organised in 2 parishes of Hal Qormi and Rabat.
- There was a time when we issued a newsletter among us to keen interest, information and unity among the 5 Institutes.
- For several years a prayerful social gathering was organised for which the Archbishop was invited to get to know the Institutes and its members.
- During these 30 years 3 members of the Council were also members of the international Council of their Institute.
- Two members of the local council of Secular Institutes were also members of the Council of Institutes for Consecrated life and clergy.
- Two pilgrimages were organised in 2016 in the Year of Divine Mercy.
- In October 2017 we had a meeting and an adoration with 16 seminarians and their staff to make known to them the history, charism and the spirituality of Secular Institutes.
Doris Cordina
Wonderful to know the reality of SI in Malta! Praise be to God and to all worked hard to keep the light of SI lit on.