Report – ACSI General Assembly 2018

After 43 years of its foundation laid by Dr .Emilio Tresalti in 1975, the 12th. General assembly was a landmark in the history of the Asian Conference of Secular Institutes, an affirmation of secular institutes not only in Asia but the world over. For the first time a representative from the Vatican, Cardinal Joao Braz Aviz Prefect of the Congregation for Consecrated Life, and his secretary Rev. Fr. Donato came personally to experience and interact with members of Secular institutes in Asia.  Needless to say the ground work for this historic gathering with his Eminence was largely due to the meticulous planning of Bishop Peter Nguyen Van de SDB, Rev. Fr. Thomas Trung S.J, and the executive body of the ACSI especially Dr. Adelaide Vaz and Ms. Lilly Fernandes who personally met the Cardinal in Rome and Our Lady of Guadalupe group.

Report GA Plan of action 2018-2022 Video*

*By Archdiocesan Mass Media Board


ACSI: newsletter 10/2018

Dear Friends,

While living in the world the members of Secular Institutes try to make Christ present in the world and are committed to sanctifying it from within. They face a number of challenges when they encounter different people, situations and circumstances. Pope Francis in His homily invited the faithful to ask “the Lord for the grace of discernment so as not to take the wrong path and not to fall into idleness, into rigidness into the closing of the heart”

This year’s theme for the ACSI GA2018 is:  » Within and Beyond Asia: Secular Institutes Living Lives of Hopes and Fulfillment. » Has been aptly chosen and we look forward to sharing of members from the different  Secular Institute present for the conference.

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