From the President‟s Desk
Dear Friends,
“Caritas Christi Urget Nos.” The love of Christ urges us. As Saint Paul in his letter to the Corithinians (2 Cor. 5:14) expressed it, his great love of Christ compelled him to go out and proclaim to all the Gospel of Christ.
It is for the love for Christ in the Eucharist and to “make Eucharistic missionaries emboldened with the flame of divine charity to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ in the world” (USCCB) that the Eucharistic Revival is taking place in parishes, schools, and dioceses, and culminating in Indianapolis at the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) in July. We, as consecrated seculars, can give gratitude – perhaps more often in Lent – of our devotion to the Lord in this most extraordinary gift of Himself here and now waiting for us in the tabernacle or monstrance.