ACSI: New Executive Board elected
piątek, 15 września 2023 by CMIS
The Asian Conference of Secular Institutes (ACSI) convened for its 13th General Assembly from June 22- 26, 2023 at Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Center of the Archdiocese of Bangkok in Thailand.
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Noticiero CISA – abril 2023
poniedziałek, 17 kwietnia 2023 by CMIS
VIDA NUEVA Jesús vence a la muerte y nos da una nueva vida, pero una VIDA con mayúsculas, una VIDA en la que ya no vivamos para nosotros sino para Cristo y en Cristo, para el hermano. Dejemos nuestra “vida vieja” en el sepulcro y resucitemos con Él a esa vida nueva. TESTIGOS DE LA
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News from the United States. The Mountaineer. March 2023
poniedziałek, 27 marca 2023 by CMIS
Dear Friends, The Gospel of John tells us: I am the living bread that came down from Heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (John 6:51) The Eucharistic revival began on the Feast of Corpus Christi in 2022
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Noticiero CISA – diciembre 2022
czwartek, 12 stycznia 2023 by CMIS
Navidad, tiempo de esperanza y salvación “Mientras se encontraban en Belén, le llegó el tiempo de ser madre; y María dio a luz a su hijo primogénito, lo envolvió en pañales y lo acostó en un pesebre…” (Lc. 2, 6-7a). José y María recibieron el anuncio más gozoso que alguien pudiese recibir, serán padres, nacerá
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News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Winter 2022
wtorek, 10 stycznia 2023 by CMIS
Dear Friends, The Advent journey from darkness to light, from Heaven to earth, is a time of deep reflection for us to be ever mindful that as God is coming to earth, we are climbing to heaven through an interior journey of prayer and reflection and an outward journey of the love of Christ in our neighbor. In Psalm
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News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Fall 2022
wtorek, 18 października 2022 by CMIS
Dear Friends, These past several months have been rich in opportunities for reflection, participation, listening, and sharing as a participant at two congresses. Our annual USCSI Conference took place at the Marytown Franciscan Retreat and Conference Center in Libertyville, Illinois, September 9-11, 2022. There were a total of 19 institutes present and a total of
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News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Summer 2022
czwartek, 28 lipca 2022 by CMIS
Dear Friends, I know you will forgive me if I begin this letter by talking about the events of April 30, 2022, in Milan where three Missionaries and I were fortunate enough to be present for the Beatification of our founder, Armida Barelli (1882-1952). The Mass and ceremonies were rich, glorious, moving – all at
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Pamiętam prof. Emilio Tresalti
poniedziałek, 11 kwietnia 2022 by CMIS
3 maja 2021 r. odszedł do wieczności prof. Emilio Tresalti, prezesa Instytutu Świeckiego Chrystusa Króla w latach 1991-2006, a także Sekretarza Generalnego (1972 – 1980) i Prezydenta (1996 – 2000) Światowej Konferencji Instytutów Świeckich z dala. W załączonej broszurze upamiętniamy jego i jego świadectwo o krzewieniu świeckiej konsekracji.
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News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Winter 2022
środa, 26 stycznia 2022 by CMIS
Dear Friends, As we enter this new year with hope and faith, we will soon celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life. Designated by Saint John Paul in 1997 as a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life, this day is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2
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Papa Francesco riceve in audienza l’Istituto Secolare Cooperatrici Oblate Missionarie dell’Immacolata
czwartek, 25 listopada 2021 by CMIS Il Papa ha ricevuto in Vaticano trenta Cooperatrici Oblate Missionarie dell’Immacolata in occasione di un duplice anniversario: il dalla nascita dell’Istituto e il dall’approvazione pontificia: siate inserite nel mondo con il cuore immerso in Dio. Essere come il levito: piccole nascoste, ma piene di fede. E’ l’invito di Francesco alle Cooperatrici Oblate Missionarie
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