International Meeting: Consecratio et Consecratio per Evangelica Consilia. Rome, May 3 – 6, 2018



Prot. n. Sp.R. 1973/18

This Dicastery, following a careful and incisive discernment of today’s reality in the Church, has started a reflection process upon the diverse meanings being given to the expressions ‘consecration’ and ‘consecrated life’.

An important phase of this process will be the International Congress “Consecratio et consecratio per evangelica consilia” which this Dicastery is organizing at the Pontifical University Antonianum, in Rome. The Congress starts in the afternoon of Thursday May 3 and ends on Sunday May 6, 2018 after lunch.

Our desire is to see members of the diverse Forms of Consecrated Life together with members of lay Associations and Movements involved in the reflection regarding certain issues which were identified during the Seminar which treated the same theme, and in which theologians, canonists and other experts participated.

The Congress will include sessions  for all participants and others for specific realities (Ordo virginum, Religious Institutes, Societies of Apostolic Life, Secular Institutes, New Institutes and New Forms, Associations and Movements).

Therefore, we ask the divers vocational realities to take part be sending, at least, a representative of the Leadership team or a delegate together with two other members who may contribute to the discussions. In fact, for an enhanced representativeness, we are asking all Institutes, Associations and Movements to send only three members, possibly from different Countries.

To Register for the Congress, one needs to:

  1. Fill in the form found on our website
  2. Wait for an email from our secretariat confirming the registration.
  3. Pay the fee of €180 (which covers the lunches on Friday, Saturday and Sunday) by following the indications included in the same email.