In this the 21st century, women, men and priests continue to hear and heed God’s call to dedicate their whole life to Him with the spirit of the evangelical counsels in celibacy for the Kingdom, without changing their state of life and with the support of the Secular Institute whose charism sustains their response to that call.
Their ordinary life is at one and the same time the place of their belonging to Christ, with whom they undertake a commitment through the vows, and their mission in the name of the Church, uniting their Passion for Christ with their passion for their fellowmen.
This consecration of the ordinary life of baptized persons in a Secular Institute is the last form of consecrated life acknowledged by the Church in the 20th century.
We invite you to peruse this site and discover:
- The origins and the texts that describe and illustrate this specific vocation enlightened by the selfsame Spirit of Vatican II,
- The Secular Institute themselves, which are members of CMIS and present on all five continents,
- The World Conference of Secular Institutes and its activities,
- Sundry testimonials by members of Secular Institutes.
We eagerly await your reactions, comments and reflections after having visited our site.
Elba Catalina Fleita
President of CMIS