ACSI General Assembly, 2014

ACSI General Assembly and Day of encounter with the Korean Secular Institute members 2014

The first ACSI General Assembly after canonical approval and the day of encounter with the members of the Secular Institutes of Korea was held from 23-27 the October 2014, at the Notre Dame Education centre, Gawahe dong, Jongnogu, Seoul, South Korea.

23rd October 2014 began with the arrival of delegates and participant members of Secular institutes from different Asian countries.

On the 24th October 2013 there was a formal roll call of all the delegates attending the conference.

Dr Ivan Netto ACSI President delivered a talk with a slide presentation entitled “The Asian Conference of Secular Institutes – The roots and the route.” He narrated how the secular institute vocation took its roots and how the number of members of secular institutes, have grown over the years in different countries. He then described how the ACSI statutes were drafted and subsequently revised over four years till it was finally submitted to the Holy See for approval. 27th September 2011 was the day on which ACSI received canonical approval. He then went to describe the activities of the ACSI specially over the last 4 years especially the first gathering of the Secular Institutes on the Philippines. He highlighted how the ACSI was represented at the – the FABC meeting and the CMIS meeting at Assisi, Italy. This was followed by the ACSI treasurer’s report by Satira Soares. The ACSI thanked the CMIS & the Secular Institute—Christ the King for their financial support. After a prayer to the Holy Spirit there was the convocation of the ACSI Assembly by the ACSI President. This set in motion the planning for ACSI activities for the next four years in the light of the ACSI statutes. In the evening there was the Holy Mass celebrated by Msgr Peter Chung OCD , Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul who encouraged ACSI members to live their vocation in light of Evangeli Gaudium.

On the 25th October 2014 the new ACSI members were elected. The new executive body is -Ms Adelaide Vaz – ACSI President, Satira Soares- Treasurer, Connie Gonsalves – Treasurer , Lily Fernandes and Cecile councillors. The Holy Mass was celebrated by the ACSI priest members.

26th October 2014 began with a welcome to the Secular institute members in Korea by the ACSI.

There were slide- show presentation from different Secular institute members of Korea. The Presidents new and old welcomed the members. Dr Emilio Tresalti (ACSI Advisior) gave a meaningful and reflective talk on being faithful to the secular institute vocation. The Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr Kim Christopher a Korean priest who has done a doctoral thesis on Secular Institutes.

27th October 2014 was a day for a cultural trip and pilgrimage to Saenamteo (Korean martyrs Shrine) and the Myeondong Cathedral. The Holy mass was celebrated by the secular institute priest members at Saenamteo Church. The General assembly was closed after a song and cultural program by ACSI delegates and participants.

28th October 2014 all the ACSI delegates and participants returned home filled with gratitude to the Lord for the spiritual enriching experience.