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    News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Summer 2024

    Dear Friends, The theme of our annual conference which will be held the weekend of September 20th to the 22nd, 2024, at the beautiful San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, California, is Secular Consecration: Falling in Love Again. What does falling in love suggest to us? The engagement of the heart and the mind in...
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    Noticias de la Conferencia de Institutos Seculares de Argentina – abril 2024

    ¡¡Resucitó de veras mi amor y mi esperanza!! ¡¡Feliz Pascua de Resurrección!! Es otro “contagio”, que se transmite de corazón a corazón, porque todo corazón humano espera esta Buena Noticia. Es el contagio de la esperanza…. Este no es el tiempo de la indiferencia…. Este no es el tiempo del egoísmo…. Este no es tiempo...
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    ACSI: Newsletter March 2024

    SAINT JOSEPH PATRON OF THE UNIVERSAL CHURCH „Glorious Patriarch St Joseph, whose power makes the impossible possible, come to my aid in these times of anguish and difficulty. Take  under your protection the serious and troubling situations that I commend to you, that they may have a happy outcome. My beloved father, all my trust...
  • inAgenda de, Nachrichten

    News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Spring 2024

    From the President‟s Desk Dear Friends, “Caritas Christi Urget Nos.” The love of Christ urges us. As Saint Paul in his letter to the Corithinians (2 Cor. 5:14) expressed it, his great love of Christ compelled him to go out and proclaim to all the Gospel of Christ. It is for the love for Christ...
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    Noticias de la Conferencia de Institutos Seculares de Argentina

    Alabado y glorificado sea Dios por concedernos tanta gracia, amor y gracia que se ha desbordado en esta Navidad, en cada Navidad, en el misterio del nacimiento de su Hijo, el Niño Jesús, nuestro Salvador, nacido de María la Virgen Madre. Dios padre, ha querido que sus hijos vivamos en este mundo en paz, el Niño Dios, el Emmanuel,...
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    News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Winter 2023

    Dear Friends, This past year and continuing forward, we have been experiencing two movements in the Church: the synodal process and the Eucharistic Revival. One writer has seen these exemplified in the Gospel story of Christ’s appearance on the road to Emmaus. After the Resurrection, several of Christ’s disciples were walking and talking about rece...
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    Nuevo Consejo Ejecutivo de la COMIS

    Informamos que el Consejo Ejecutivo de la Conferencia Mexicana de Institutos Seculares (COMIS) ha cambiado a partir de la Asamblea que se llevó a cabo el 18 de septiembre de 2022, quedando así conformado: • Alma Georgina Tello Palomar (Presidente) • Teresa de Jesús Macías Quintero (Vicepresidente), • María del Roble Leal Guajardo (Secretaria) •...
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    Encuentro anual 2023 de la Conferencia de Ecuatoriana de Institutos Seculares (CEIS)

    En la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha, en la casa de espiritualidad Nuestra Señora del Quinche del Instituto Misioneras Seculares, se llevó a cabo el encuentro anual y la Asamblea General ordinaria de los miembros de los Institutos Seculares del Ecuador, los días 2 al 4 de noviembre del 2023, el objetivo fue: Fortalecer...
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    News from the United States. The Mountaineer. Fall 2023

    Dear Friends, At our annual conference this past September at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in Connecticut, we were fed powerful food for meditation on Living Out Our Radical Witness–the theme of the conference. But first–what a great joy it was to spend time with fellow members of secular institutes both actual and virtual,...
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    ACSI: New Executive Board elected

    The Asian Conference of Secular Institutes (ACSI) convened for its 13th General Assembly from June 22- 26, 2023 at Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Center of the Archdiocese of Bangkok in Thailand....